Monday, January 14

Second Semester Begins!

I had my first day of classes today. I woke up at 7am, which was a little miserable. But I managed to get up and get to my 8am writing class. This class is a general writing class required of all WashU freshmen. I chose a section at 8 because it's the same teacher who taught our Rodriguez class last semester. His name is Nick, and he's a lot of fun and very helpful. So I chose to get up early for him. That class is small, only 11 people. I think it's going to be an okay class.
After writing I go straight to Intro to Cultural Anthro. I met the teacher at the beginning of last semester at an anthropology department open house. She studies the change from traditional clothing to knock-off brand names in Guatemala. I think it's going to be an awesome class. She's energetic and funny and seems like a very good professor, much like the one I had for Human Evolution last semester. I got really excited at the beginning of class when she was saying that anthro is the study of diversity. That's very much what I want to study. I just loved what she said and it made me a bit emotional. She was talking about how culture is learned and is different among groups of people and whatnot and it reminded me of ELL and how things that are common sense to me are bizarre to them and the opposite, and how I love it. So I hope this will be a good class.
After anthro I go straight to Intro to Psychology. I have a friend in that class, Addy, who lives across the hall. She's an international student from China and is quite funny in some respects. We sat together. We have 2 professors for psych, were are supposed to have 3 but one had to take leave. The first two units are taught by a lady who's a bit of an old timer. She has a very classic teaching style, which isn't bad, but isn't quite as invigorating as the anthro teachers. The third unit is taught by a man and is about personality and disorders and all that cool stuff. So I have to be patient until March. I don't think it's going to be an awesome class, but I think it will be good nonetheless. She showed us a video from 60 Minutes about memory in a rape case. It was really interesting but the 60 Minutes reporter was AWFUL.
So anyway, I'm going to eat lunch with friends at 12 every day so I make sure I'm on a regular schedule and such. I have a lot of reading to do already for Wednesday, so I'll try to work on that this afternoon. Maybe I'll go to the gym as well. We also have a floor meeting tonight. I don't have classes tomorrow so I'll have time for homework then too. Last night I was quite sad and pretty hopeless about making it through this semester, but today helped a lot and I'm re-energized and motivated. As long as I love my classes I can make it through anything, just like last semester. I only have one more new class to go to and that's not until Wednesday night.
Mopp, I think you'd like my classes a lot, except maybe writing.

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