Saturday, February 16

I made it!

I finished the week of madness. I finished all my tests (did really well on my anthro one), and revised my paper. And I'm almost caught up from last week homework-wise. I'm even feeling better, not so sick (knock on wood). Mom and dad came to town and took my to breakfast. It was awesome. I miss talking with you guys so much. They also brought my old laptop, yay! I didn't get the blogging job:( but my application to volunteer in the St. Louis Public School District was processed so soon I can start volunteering at the New American Preparatory Academy. It's a relatively new school for immigrants and refugees. It's about an hour by bus, but it'll likely be worth it. Once I get that schedule solidified, I'll start looking for other job opportunities with flexible hours. I'm finally starting to create a life for myself here. We'll see how it goes :P

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