Sunday, February 17

Home Plate

This afternoon I participated in Home Plate. It's a program where they pair students with local families who bring us to their homes and cook us a home-made meal. I kind of signed up by accident but that's okay. I went with a friend from my floor and some other kid that I didn't know. Our family was a pretty standard white American couple. They have two overweight dogs. The man is stout and laughs loudly and jokes a lot. The woman is always on a diet and goes to the gym and doesn't cook much. Pretty stereotypical. But they were extremely warm and welcoming. VERY friendly. We had vegetarian lasagna and salad with ice cream and cookies for dessert. It was very good. I felt at comfortable at times because we don't have much in common and I'm not really their type. I'm quite nerdy and don't get out much. But it was really nice to have contact with affectionate animals and people off campus. It was fun.

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