Monday, February 18

Summer Plans

I don't know if mom and dad told you about this already, but I'm trying to go to Bangladesh this summer to do field research. Remember the anthropologist I worked with last summer? Well she is going to Bangladesh this summer and asked me if I would like to write a proposal for funds to go with her. So for the last few weeks I've been figuring out what I want to study. I think I've settled on the social effects of microfinance, but I have to make it unique. Then I write 3 pages about the concept and why it's important and my plans etc., and attach a budget. It's due March 1st, which means the coming weeks will likely be stressful as I haven't started writing yet. My doctor said I could go if I'm weight restored by that time. It's a good motivation to keep eating. If I got the grant, I would spend a month or so in Bangladesh, splitting my time between the capital Dhaka and a rural site. It would be INCREDIBLE.

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